Saturday 11 June 2016

Hannah and Ollie

We scatter blossom's everywhere, so that,
Like Summer Snow, they sparkle in your hair.
The sunlight of your smiles light up the sky.
We bless this special day which brings such joy,
We pray that You will rise each morning of your life and find each other there.
We wish you both a life of joy, where every day is filled with love and care.

May your vows of love remain forever strong
While through the many happy years, the hands of time move on.
So that when, each and every year, the blossoms reappear,
They'll kiss your faces and remind you of these vows that you hold dear,
May your hearts forever hold the memories which we all share today,
To keep you strong in troubled times and wash all tears away.

Accept, how blessed you are to have each other in your life.
And be the friend, that you now wish to be, until your journey's end.
Although your paths may weave and warp until the end of time,
May you always walk in step, and always dance in time.
Hannah!... Ollie!... May your brand new life of joy begin today!
May you always hold each other close, each loving step along the way.

Patrick W Kavanagh

The Penniless Poet

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