Saturday 11 June 2016


When First we met, all I had left, was ashes in my hand,
You touched me deeply, in a way, that I may never truly understand.
Heart to heart and mind to mind, as if our very souls were joined,
It seemed that long before we met, our fates already intertwined.

I felt my life was over, in the dark and dismal days before we met,
I was ready then, to leave this, sometimes, bitter world without regret.
You came into my life, and healed my broken heart with patience and with love,
Your friendship came to me, so unexpectedly, a blessing from above.

Although you weren't my first love, 
In my heart I know that you will be my last,
When I gaze into your deep blue eyes, 
I know our love will grow, I know our love will last.

Words can never let me tell you just how much you mean to me,
Let me share my life with you, and in time, I know that you will see
the many ways that we both help each other, be the best that we can be,
And how the Love we share may last until Eternity.

Patrick W Kavanagh

The Penniless Poet

For Sophia.

In your dreams you will fly,
A beauty such as yours was made for sunny days and rainbow skies.
In our hearts, we hear you sing,
And all around you we can hear the music as the faeries laugh and sing.

You are blessed, in ways the world may never understand.
We who see, - can see your spirit shining brightly as you laugh and play in that sweet other-land.
Stay with us a while and grace us with your beauty and your smile.
Your rainbow coloured wings can wait for you in that sweet Western Isle.

May your days be filled with butterflies,
May every starry night bring faerie tales and laughter as you gaze up at the skies.
May the love that fills the world around you carry you on angel’s wings,

and give to you, the life that you deserve where every day is filled with joy and only laughter rings.

Patrick W Kavanagh
The Penniless Poet

Emma and Damo's Wedding

Emma and Damo's Wedding.

Sure the craic was great; - with loads to ate, and Guinness flowing free.
In Navan town, the 'Newgrange' was the only place to be.
Like a choir of croaky angels, we sang the whole night through,
I think the Murphy Wedding was their biggest ever 'do'.

'Damo' looked just like a prince, - in his wedding suit and tie.
And Emma, looking like a faery princess, made me want to cry.
The parents of the groom and bride looked smashing as they beamed with pride,
The Bridesmaids, Jennifer and Louise, looked stunning, by their side.

The flower girls looked so pretty, and the page boy looked so smart, -
They enchanted all the wedding guests and captured every heart.
Before the happy couple made their vows, the rings were blessed by one and all,
And when they lit the candles, - you could hear a feather fall.

It was a day that will not be forgotten for a hundred years or more,

and a memory I'll treasure, of my own green emerald shore.

Patrick W Kavanagh
The Penniless Poet

Hannah and Ollie

We scatter blossom's everywhere, so that,
Like Summer Snow, they sparkle in your hair.
The sunlight of your smiles light up the sky.
We bless this special day which brings such joy,
We pray that You will rise each morning of your life and find each other there.
We wish you both a life of joy, where every day is filled with love and care.

May your vows of love remain forever strong
While through the many happy years, the hands of time move on.
So that when, each and every year, the blossoms reappear,
They'll kiss your faces and remind you of these vows that you hold dear,
May your hearts forever hold the memories which we all share today,
To keep you strong in troubled times and wash all tears away.

Accept, how blessed you are to have each other in your life.
And be the friend, that you now wish to be, until your journey's end.
Although your paths may weave and warp until the end of time,
May you always walk in step, and always dance in time.
Hannah!... Ollie!... May your brand new life of joy begin today!
May you always hold each other close, each loving step along the way.

Patrick W Kavanagh

The Penniless Poet

Ken and Brenda.

How the years have flown, - and yet despite the ups and downs,
Throughout the hard times and the good, their love has grown and grown.
And even though these fifty years, have seemed to slip right by,
The whole wide world can plainly see, the love that’s in their eyes.

He was Brenda’s knight in not-so-shining armour, from the very start,
Our dashing Ken had quickly won our Lovely Brenda’s heart.
One night, when she was hiding from a most insistent bore,
She hid behind Kens Anglia; - as we know he always drives a Ford!

This is how a love began which lasted more than fifty years; -
Half a century of laughter, Joy; and now and then; - some tears.
Dancing and romancing, - from Brigg. to Caistor Top, -
It must have seemed in those young days; the fun would never stop.

But, as the family grew, they had three kids to raise, and cash was sometimes tight.
But somehow, kindly pheasants came to visit in the night.
Rabbits too made goodly stew and nothing went to waste,
Ken would always save a treat for Spot and Brenda would say grace.

You would think with family and work, and travelling here and there,
They’d have little time to help, but yet, when help was needed, - they were always there.
I dare not mention when Ken towed me back from York, - one stormy day.
Despite five Valium a day, - the nightmares still won’t go away.

And Brenda’s been a friend indeed, - the many times that there were friends in need.
And many were the ailing folk who flourished underneath her gentle care.
Mother, seamstress, friend and wife, - She was a staunch support in times of strife.
When life turned sour and trouble knocked, - she’d always have a brandy poured to help you with the shock.

Their family is all but grown, and now, the golden years have come.
We wish them many happy years of resting in the sun.
Until we gather on their diamond wedding day, let’s take this moment just to pray,
That health and happiness and joy will follow them for all their lifelong days.

Patrick W Kavanagh

The Penniless Poet

Your Story in Rhyme

A Shared Gift…

Your tribute in rhyme for celebration or remembrance
I will write a bespoke poem for you, or a loved one, for any special occasion.
Simply email me, at , with the details you need including and the nature of the sentiments you wish to express. I will email, (or post if required), the poem to you with 7-14 days. Visit my pages to view my work for free at The Penniless PoetPatrick W Kavanagh , My Spirit Sings and From the Muse.
There is a minimum donation of £25.00, ($36.29) which can be paid securely via Paypal, Western Union or by postal order to the address given in my confirmation email.
Many thanks ,
Patrick William Kavanagh,
‘The Penniless Poet’