Saturday 15 October 2016

Dreaming of you

Dreaming of you.

Do you dream or are you more awake than when I held your hand ?
Hand in hand, we walked for many years and shared our laughter and our tears.
Some were tears of joy, for I was blessed to find a heart who understands.
And, now I understand the things you tried to teach me, - though it's taken many years.

For life and death, alike, are simply dreams,
And only when the dreamers wake,
Will we begin to understand exactly what it means...

Years have passed, and understanding taught me how to face the pain.
Like waves, it washes over me in times of sadness and in times of peace.
The pain which comes from knowing I can never hold your hand again.
But sometimes, you return to me and I can feel your touch upon my face.

And in our dreams, - which mirror all the foolish dreams of life,
The sands of time flow backwards to another world, - another life.
And then, I see you once again, - my friend, my lover and my wife.

I am not sad. I cherish all our memories and all the time we had.
I cherish every bright new day,- for who knows when my time will pass away?
I count my many blessings and the many friends who make my heart feel glad.
I live this dream called life as best I can, and welcome each new day.

Sometimes, I feel your touch upon my neck the way you used to do.
A wash of brightest yellow glows before my eyes to tell me that it's you.
And then, your gentle voice reminds me of the things I need to do.

You were always so much wiser than I ever hoped to be.
You healed my broken wings, so I could learn to fly again when you were gone.
You healed my anger and my pain so I could learn to live again.
But when you left my world was broken, and I did not want to carry on.

I know now, that you led me to another who could teach me how to fly.
I understand the measure of your love, and I no longer ask the reason why.
But I will hold her safely in my heart until the day I die.

Thank you for the many, many happy years.
Thank you for the joys, the playful times and even for the tears.
Thank you for the healing which you brought into my life.
Thank you for the happiness you brought me when you chose to be my wife.

In this dream which we call life, I sometimes dream of you.
And now another shares my dreams and shares my love, the way you do.
And we will wander hand in hand,
Until our dreams come true.

Patrick William Kavanagh